Accelerated Self-Awareness Program:

The Deep Dive Where You Work on the Most Profound Reaches of Your Mind

Accelerated Self-Awareness Program:

The Deep Dive Where You Work on the Most Profound Reaches of Your Mind

You are so much more than your mind tells you...

How mind-blowing to coach multi-millionaires everyday with simple tools seemingly out of reach, to help them find what they were looking for because I could see it so easily.

My wake up call happened when my high-ticket coach called me out for being attached to being non-attached... 
I forgot to use the same tools on myself that I use to hardwire jet-setting celebrities & entrepreneurs for success.

I needed a dose of my own medicine.

I refocused my attention on what was for my own good and for the greatest good of all. And I sprung back to life as I remembered who I was - the me I saw inside.

The #1 lesson I learned since working with entrepreneurs...

I learned to acknowledge that I deserve to become the best version of myself. And like the badasses  I’ve worked with over the past 13 years, I know you…

• Want to make a big impact and change the world

• Are into personal and spiritual development 

• Can create something really special using your gift 

• Don’t see yourself ignoring your truth, now or ever

We'll examine your core beliefs during our time together so you can be the person you’re meant to become, not who you turned into because of your past.

Allow yourself to be the person you were before you were tarnished by unfulfilled desires. 

Processing through your own stuff is the most loving and powerful thing you can ever do.

Processing through your own stuff is the most loving and powerful thing you can ever do.

Claim Your Free Video Guide to Becoming the Ultimate Team

Get instant access to Alain's top 3 solutions to shift your mindset around health, wealth, and happiness by unlocking the secrets to authentic power through work, play, and love. These are the 3 core tools Alain reveals in his feature story in the international bestselling book, "Conscious Love: Enlightened Relationships and Soulful Sex."

Hey, I'm talkin' about you...

I know you want to design your life to work exactly like you envision. And to be able to do that, my guess is you need to build your self-mastery skills so you can harness your authentic power.

Rather than continuing to put it off into the future, I ask you commit to uncovering what is getting in the way of experiencing what it looks and feels like to be in the flow of your authentic success.

Participating in this deep dive is your chance to quickly shift to your new desires.

You have to know exactly what to do when roadblocks and hurdles come out of nowhere (I’ll give you a hint, it’s not what you’re expecting). 

People are looking to you as a strong supportive role model.

The ASA Program will guide you to let go of the selfish needs of the ego, and erase unwanted triggers (thoughts, emotions, and behaviors).

Come align with your true vision and implement new empowerment techniques using methods I developed during my days studying with the Institute of HeartMath® and indigenous shamans, being a life coach, and training in meditation. It's time to enter the intimate conversation with yourself and own your passion for life.

Will you choose to... 

• Build the life you always wanted to experience 

• Be the best version of yourself

• Live your highest and healthiest potential

• Maintain your happiness and individuality

• Realize the answers are already within

Clearly Communicate with Your Heart and Mind

This Program is a combination of specific proven heart-based techniques, deep connection with the self, and aligning your words and actions so others understand what you're expressing.

Are you ready to:

• Learn to stack the cards in your favor, turning your life into a royal flush. 

• Change how your body physically responds to your old expectations.

• Experience the balance of your light and dark.

• Become empowered with effective tools to create the life you want to experience.

Dedicate time to designing what you want your life to look like 5 years into your future, what you want to be different, and what you know you have the potential to bring into the world. 

Are you dedicated to sharing your whole heart-centered and logical self with the world?

Bring where you are with where you want to be... This ASA Program is specifically designed around my experiences of successfully supporting big picture thinkers in understanding the dynamics of people. 

What’s included:

• Travel costs for Alain to fly to you 

• Two days dedicated 1:1 time with Alain • Expert guidance to be the true you

• Ceremony to broaden your perspective of yourself

• Adventure, fun, and breakthroughs

• Clear, focused, efficient energy-shifting tools

The ASA Program is THE most streamlined way to dissolve all that's holding you back and claim all that you desire to call forth. 

Get 3 major pieces of a successful life:

1. Pre-Intensive Coaching

• Acknowledge where you're at and where you want to go 

• Set intentions and outline expectations for your time together

• Present recurring problems or concerns to be addressed

2. During the Experience

• Fast-track the tools that will best help 

• Unfold your life's process and purpose

• Remove the masks until your soul sees the light

• Discover what unconditional really means

3. Integrating the Learnings
• Understand the magic in that we are constantly unfolding 

• Laugh about things again bringing lightheartedness and playfulness back into the picture

• Open up to trust and vulnerability again open your heart

Learn exactly how to have amazing communication where you can express your thoughts and your feelings. You'll be able to release the burdens and move forward, exponentially strengthening your life and leveraging it as the ultimate vehicle of growth.

Let's explore what working together could look like for you, I invite you to schedule a call to discuss how you can shortcut the process and start on your true path to your full power potential.

What Alain's Clients Are Saying...

Tania J.

"Balance the Power Struggle"

As an entrepreneur and leader to many, I was worried about my relationship creating a divide with my love and my business - My status of my relationship with my boyfriend and where it was going was questionable. Alain helps you release unnecessary emotions of fear or frustration and replace them with genuine clarity and love. His technique is unique, simple, and effective every time.

Tania J.

"Balance the Power Struggle"

As an entrepreneur and leader to many, I was worried about my relationship creating a divide with my love and my business - My status of my relationship with my boyfriend and where it was going was questionable. Alain helps you release unnecessary emotions of fear or frustration and replace them with genuine clarity and love. His technique is unique, simple, and effective every time.

Nancy A.

“Life is Fun and Exciting Again”

Now I know what I want to accomplish and how I want to feel doing it. I know what it’s like to feel sexy, and excited about life, my relationship with my husband and being a mom. Working with Alain made me realize that even in mom mode I can feel sexy and be passionate about daily tasks.

Nancy A.

“Life is Fun and Exciting Again”

Now I know what I want to accomplish and how I want to feel doing it. I know what it’s like to feel sexy, and excited about life, my relationship with my husband and being a mom. Working with Alain made me realize that even in mom mode I can feel sexy and be passionate about daily tasks.

Michelle M.

"Self-mastery... Found Authentic Voice"

I started my work with Alain open to the possibility of fully showing up in a different way. I left my expectations behind and finally feel like I can be me - as opposed to wearing a mask and being a watered down version of myself. My little mind gremlins that made me once run away are under control. The best part is, I'm no longer afraid to speak my mind or ask for what I really want. I'm free.

Michelle M.

"Self-mastery... Found Authentic Voice"

I started my work with Alain open to the possibility of fully showing up in a different way. I left my expectations behind and finally feel like I can be me - as opposed to wearing a mask and being a watered down version of myself. My little mind gremlins that made me once run away are under control. The best part is, I'm no longer afraid to speak my mind or ask for what I really want. I'm free.

Tania J.

"Balance the Power Struggle"

As an entrepreneur and leader to many, I was worried about my relationship creating a divide with my love and my business - My status of my relationship with my boyfriend and where it was going was questionable. Alain helps you release unnecessary emotions of fear or frustration and replace them with genuine clarity and love. His technique is unique, simple, and effective every time.

Tania J.

"Balance the Power Struggle"

As an entrepreneur and leader to many, I was worried about my relationship creating a divide with my love and my business - My status of my relationship with my boyfriend and where it was going was questionable. Alain helps you release unnecessary emotions of fear or frustration and replace them with genuine clarity and love. His technique is unique, simple, and effective every time.

Nancy A.

“Life is Fun and Exciting Again”

Now I know what I want to accomplish and how I want to feel doing it. I know what it’s like to feel sexy, and excited about life, my relationship with my husband and being a mom. Working with Alain made me realize that even in mom mode I can feel sexy and be passionate about daily tasks.

Nancy A.

“Life is Fun and Exciting Again”

Now I know what I want to accomplish and how I want to feel doing it. I know what it’s like to feel sexy, and excited about life, my relationship with my husband and being a mom. Working with Alain made me realize that even in mom mode I can feel sexy and be passionate about daily tasks.

Michelle M.

"Self-mastery... Found Authentic Voice"

I started my work with Alain open to the possibility of fully showing up in a different way. I left my expectations behind and finally feel like I can be me - as opposed to wearing a mask and being a watered down version of myself. My little mind gremlins that made me once run away are under control. The best part is, I'm no longer afraid to speak my mind or ask for what I really want. I'm free.

Michelle M.

"Self-mastery... Found Authentic Voice"

I started my work with Alain open to the possibility of fully showing up in a different way. I left my expectations behind and finally feel like I can be me - as opposed to wearing a mask and being a watered down version of myself. My little mind gremlins that made me once run away are under control. The best part is, I'm no longer afraid to speak my mind or ask for what I really want. I'm free.

FREE Consultation with Alain

A true power couple has nothing to do with how good looking, how much money, or how famous you are… It has everything to do with being unconditional and allowing your partner the space to be their own person so they discover the truth of who they are...

At the same time it's about dedicating yourself to heal your buttons that are poked, pushed, and punched so you can just BE you. And lastly, it's about doing good in the world, living your truth, and manifesting into reality your heart’s deepest desires.

It's time to move towards a solid future with your relationships. 

Today’s the day you no longer leave your relationship to chance. Make a decision... Do something different.

Questions about the Accelerated Self-Awareness Program being the right fit for you?

Questions about the Epic Spiritual Retreat being the right fit for you?

Step up your meditation game now...

We attract who we are - and let's just say I haven't always been this deeply aligned. It has taken extreme effort seeking enlightenment to cultivate wealth mastery and access a powerful mindset.

It's now or never. Access a mind-altering meditation with Alain Torres that's changed countless lives and saved a billion dollar company in a matter of minutes. 

Step up your meditation game now...

We attract who we are - and let's just say I haven't always been this deeply aligned. It has taken extreme effort seeking enlightenment to cultivate wealth mastery and access a powerful mindset.

It's now or never. Access a mind-altering meditation with Alain Torres that's changed countless lives and saved a billion dollar company in a matter of minutes.